‘Four Butcher’s Shops’
On Tuesday 8th June 2021, Benny O’Looney, local architect and member of the Peckham Society and the Peckham Heritage Regeneration Partnership, gave an online talk with this intriguing title. He entertained and informed a group of more than 40 people. He told stories of challenges and discoveries made whilst restoring four butcher’s shops – including three in Peckham – that have seen better days.
Peeling back modern layers in the abandoned upstairs of these shops, clues have been found about their construction in the 18th and 19th centuries when Peckham was on the threshold of countryside and city. Elements of the lives and decorative interests of people that lived and worked in these structures have been found. The final butcher’s shop looks at how a new building might have an architectural dialogue with the period architecture of the Rye Lane Conservation Area. Fires, linguistic challenges and the search for ancient roof tiles all animate this, at times, fragrant journey to improve the look and amenity of our local high streets.
The TALK was recorded and can be accessed via this YouTube link